Welcome to the 2 Fionas blog!

By Fiona Beckett

Welcome to the 2 Fionas blog!

Well we say ‘Welcome’ but it may not be welcome at all. Haven’t you got enough to read already without us burdening you with our thoughts and opinions?

That is almost certainly true in Fiona B’s case. She is an incontinent poster of content on her website including a blog but Fiona S, believe or not, has yet to embark on the world of blogging despite being urged to since we first started this website - oooo, 5 or so years ago. So this is mainly her platform.

She has PROMISED to update it regularly so long as she can master the CMS which isn’t looking good at the moment. In fact I’m not sure she knows what a CMS is.* However she’s made a great start (with a little help from our longsuffering webmaster Tom) with her first post on How to live to 100. Easy if you’re a Sardinian, apparently, not so much, I suspect, for us unhealthy Brits.

We’ll be putting the odd recipe on it, telling you about some of the interesting places we’ve been to and people we’ve met and sharing stories that sometimes get squeezed out by tight word counts. At a bit greater length than our ‘likes’ but a shade shorter than a full feature.

So we hope you enjoy it - and give Fiona S a nudge if you spot that she hasn’t posted anything recently …

*If you don’t either it’s a content management system - in other words the interface where we upload all our words and pictures.